Gerene Joseph
Education Director
The Education Department governs and provides administration and direction for educational institutions within the conference. The primary aim of Adventist education is to provide opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.
The primary aim of Seventh-day Adventist education is to provide opportunites for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of preaching the gospel to all the world.
The education program is predicated on the belief that each student is unique and of inestimable value, and on the importance of the development of the whole person. Students are educated to accept service as a way of life, to be sensitive to the needs of the people in the home and society, and to become active members in the Church.
The North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists covers ten islands stretching from the two-nation island of St. Maarten all the way to the beautiful white-sand beaches of the British Virgin Islands. There are five educational sites with five elementary and three high schools.
Mission Statement
The Education Department of North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists caters to the well-being of workers, bridging healthy and productive relations with stakeholders for the holistic development and education of all students and members for service in this world and eternity.
Vision Statement
Empowered minds and character, working for time and eternity
Education: Empowering for excellence and eternity.
School Leadership Conference
Forging Pathways for Success in Adventist Education: A Creative & Innovative Approach
School Board of Governance Training
A Strategic Approach to Adventist School Governance