TMI Advances Around the NCC || February, 2017

On January 5, 2017, Seventh-day Adventist Division leaders announced that, “. . . the church in the IAD [Inter American Division] will undertake an unprecedented 113,000 evangelistic meetings . . . in 2017.” In response, the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) is advancing the Total Membership Involvement (TMI) efforts for promoting the gospel and has been assigned to host campaigns in 70 sites within the territory during 2017, with each lasting from one to five weeks.

News February 21, 2017

On January 5, 2017, Seventh-day Adventist Division leaders announced that, “. . . the church in the IAD [Inter American Division] will undertake an unprecedented 113,000 evangelistic meetings . . . in 2017.” In response, the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) is advancing the Total Membership Involvement (TMI) efforts for promoting the gospel and has been assigned to host campaigns in 70 sites within the territory during 2017, with each lasting from one to five weeks.

The NCC Personal Ministries Director, Dr. Henry Peters, believes that the goal of 70 sites/ campaigns can be realized if each church and company, within the conference, organizes two functioning small groups. The conference leadership anticipates that, through these sites, the number of baptisms could surpass 350 by April 15, 2017. Major evangelistic programs are already underway on St. Maarten and Anguilla and campaigns will begin on St. Croix and Tortola in March.

Pastor Silton Browne, President of the North Caribbean Conference, shared his perspective: “It’s not just about preaching. It’s about what everyone can do. It is all of us working together to make something happen. That means each church member should be finding ways to share Jesus [with] the community.” With the challenge of reaching more than 190,000 people across the islands in the NCC territory, the Conference leaders are praying for and intentionally seeking to empower church leaders. These leaders are urged to pray with and inspire all members to be actively involved in proclaiming the gospel in their communities, within their personal sphere of influence.