Visitors and members of the school community were given a real treat on July 12,2018, as the Bible came alive in a spectacular fashion at The British Virgin Islands Seventh-day-Adventist School. Through the new bible initiative, A.C.T.S. (Active Christianity Through Service), the Eleventh Graders demonstrated The Plan of Salvation through The Sanctuary Service. As part of the Bible curriculum, students were involved in an in-depth study of one of the pillars of our faith: Christ in The Sanctuary.
The A.C.T.S. Initiative is the brainchild of Bible teacher, Ysanna John, who has a passion for the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. She believes that these truths are extremely important and relevant for this present generation. It has been observed that students tend to have misapprehension in regard to prophecy and anything that has to do with the end of world, hence, the project was born. A project which hopes to address in-class as well as community outreach activities, in which students can become witnesses, servant-leaders, earn grades, and complete community service hours required for graduation.
The students were given an opportunity to work in groups on this very important project. The project encapsulates the outline, purpose and activities that were carried out in the Hebrew Sanctuary. Students were expected to depict these as close to the original as possible, and to demonstrate how each area of the Sanctuary and each piece of furniture was a type or shadow of God’s Plan of Salvation.
Creativity and ingenuity came to the fore, as students created the pieces for The Sanctuary. It was phenomenal what students can do with guidance, encouragement, and pieces of paper, Styrofoam, wood, steel and cardboard. The two tablets of The Decalogue were created from concrete, and the commandments were carved into the surface. The students were even able to create a simulation of fire for the Altar of Sacrifice.
Garbed in priestly robes, assigned students and the tour hosts/hostesses enthralled each group that visited the exhibit, as they depict a thrilling account of what transpired during the Daily Sacrifice in The Sanctuary, and solemn yearly Day of Atonement. Flyers and tracts, created by the students, and gave further information about The Sanctuary Service were distributed to visitors at the exhibit.
This project, which was given in lieu of a written examination, constituted the final Bible assessments for the students. Everyone did superbly well. Plans are afoot to continue this project for the new school year and to bring alive not only The Sanctuary Service, but other pillars of faith that constitute Seventh-day-Adventist beliefs.
Let us continue to support our students as they make their mark in their various communities as servant-leaders. “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-corning Savior might be carried to the whole world! How soon might the end come”. (Education. Pg. 271)