The British Virgin Islands (BVI) Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) School hosted its tenth annual achievement awards ceremony on Sunday November 13, 2016. Before an audience of over 400, including family, teachers and well-wishers, 116 students were recognized for consistently embracing excellence in community engagement and academic performance during the first semester of the 2016-2017 school year.
In addition to recognizing students who have maintained a minimum academic average of 75%, with no failing grade, those who have made valuable contributions to the life of the school were honored at the ceremony. Forty students received the “Developmental Award” reserved for those who exemplify the Christian values and human courtesies which contribute to nation-building.
One awardee of grade 10, Drae Smith, responded: “It’s exciting. It’s something I know all of us have worked toward since beginning school here at the Seventh-day Adventist School (taking extra classes, staying up extra late) — and to be recognized for that is really awesome.”
The achievement award for Bible, in the secondary division, was presented to Marlina D’Aguiar, who has a compelling story: Although her immediate family does not embrace Adventism, with the family’s support she was among seven students who were baptized at the end of the school’s Fall Week of Prayer in 2016. Marlina is an eleventh grade student with a desire to make her world a better place and shared, “I am thankful to God for allowing me the opportunity to accept Jesus. The school has done something for me. I found Jesus here.”
The Education Director of the North Caribbean Conference, Gerene Joseph, extolled the school’s effort: “The system of school awards is designed to encourage in, as many students as possible, the habits of excellence in studies, participation in sports, and service to the school and community. While none of the certificates or pins are easy to [earn], [achieving] one is within the reach of any student willing to make the effort.”