The Seventh-day Adventist constituency of St. Thomas-St. John underscored the value of children’s health during Health Week-2016. Activities were coordinated by the Health Ministries Departments of the congregations under the theme, “Start Smart and Stay Well,” and provided many child-friendly health services.
The Health Ministries Director of the North Caribbean Conference, Dr. Ruth Douglass, elaborated on the community venture: “It was important to focus on children for as young people, they have the right to grow up in an environment that promotes their wellbeing, fosters good diet, encourages physical exercise, and starts them on the road to a long and healthy life.”
On Sabbath, September 24, 2016, Dr. Douglass welcomed the opportunity to address members and emphasized the purpose of the SDA Health Ministries Department: “[The … department exists] to encourage church members, through divine grace, to bring their way of life into harmony with God’s health laws. It is necessary to do so, not just to enjoy the benefits of better health and longer life, but for the following larger, and more important [reasons]: Moral discernment; love and respect for God, the Creator; an act of worship; and, faithful stewardship.”
On Sunday, September 25, 2016, physicians from the community partnered with the church in a Wellness and Safety Fair for Children at the Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church and the selection of services included: pediatric assessments, hearing and vision testing, physical exercise routines and smart food-choice exhibits. Medical services were offered by Dr. Penn (a pediatrician), Dr. Walker (a psychologist) and Dr. Nelson (a neurologist).
Sixty four (64) children received health and wellness (pediatric) assessments and 43 participated in the audiology screening. While 15 children engaged in the cooking composition, 30 enjoyed the “Kids in the Kitchen” fun-cooking session.
The Health Ministries Coordinator for St. Thomas, Sister Genevieve Small commented on the importance of children’s health: “The practice of healthy eating and routine physical activities, during formative years, are the building blocks for good health later in life. It is necessary for our children to START SMART & STAY WELL.” She concluded: “It was a good day. The response was very good. We are happy to have helped the parents and children. It meant a lot to them and that made us feel satisfied that it was worth the time and effort.”