The St. Eustatius Seventh-day Adventist Church held an appreciation service for the President of the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pastor Desmond James, who previously ministered in St. Eustatius from January 1989 until mid-1991. His ministry left lasting and impressive memories in the hearts of many to whom he ministered, during his tenure on the island. The church also played a great role in helping to shape his ministry. The church felt proud when he was called to serve as the President of the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA). Hence, for these reasons, the church planned an appreciation service on Wednesday, January 16, 2019, in honour of his presidency.
During the appreciation service that was chaired by Sis. Marcella Marsdin, members were invited to share words of congratulations to the President. Several musical items were rendered from choirs, groups and individuals. Poems and remarks were also rendered. Among those who gave remarks were Pastor Virgil Sams, Brother Godfrey Blake and Brother Clyde Van Putten.
Brother Van Putten, who held several leadership offices in government, reflected on the years of service of Pastor James when he served as the district Pastor of the St. Eustatius SDA Church. He referred to the ecumenical service that was organized by the Government of St. Eustatius, in collaboration with the various churches on the island, in the wake of the Kuwaiti War. Brother Van Putten spoke of the sermon preached by Pastor James, that brought peace and calm to a worried community. He also highlighted the enormous impact and involvement of Pastor James in the “Statia” community and the way he reached out and witnessed to people, across denominational lines. Pastor James’ influence was so profound that he was asked to deliver the Feature Address at the inauguration of the Governor, Mr. Irvin E. Temmer.
Brother Van Putten said that it was during the crusade in June of 1990, which was conducted by Pastor James, that he accepted the Advent Message and was baptized on June 13, 1990. He said that even before accepting the message, he discovered the talent, potential and great leadership qualities in Pastor James; knew that he had a great future; and, was destined to fill big shoes. He told the packed SDA Church members and community guests who were in attendance that Pastor Desmond James was chosen for such a time like this, to lead the Conference and God’s people. He described James as humble, noble and a man after God’s own heart. He said we are in the “shaking period’ where the church is called upon to preach and teach so that others will be drawn to Christ. In concluding, he called Pastor James a great friend and wished him and his dear wife success as they lead the Conference and God’s people.

The service ended with a message from the president, entitled, “Who is Jesus to you?” The church was first encouraged to look to Jesus through what is revealed in His Word. Secondly, there must be a realization of who we are; and, thirdly, there must be a transformation in the lives of God’s people.
The service was well attended and a token of appreciation was presented to Pastor James. Attendees left the service with a sense of fulfilment and expressed gratitude to God for the ministry and presidency of Pastor Desmond James.
You can view pictures of the service here