Dr. Hamil Tobias and his staff unsealed the 2010-2018 memoir of the school at a special appreciation event on Sunday, July 1, 2018. And, during the awards segment, the unstinting donations of “time, talents and treasures” by individuals and organizations to the development of the St. Croix Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) School, over the past eight years, was highlighted. “We want to take time to say thanks to you for your contribution to the school and Christian education,” said the principal Dr. Hamil Tobias who announced his retirement from active denominational service at the end of the 2017-2018 school year.
Event historians chronicled the beneficence of more than 25 contributors and highlighted two consistent business donors, the Buccaneer Resorts and Lime Tree Bay, LLC. Mrs. Lucille Eriste accepted the recognition on behalf of the Buccaneer Resorts which donated 70 chairs, paved the school-yard and gave cash for various projects, all totalling more than US$50,000.00. Annually, the Lime Tree Bay, LLC., donated thousands to the scholarship fund and Ms. Sarah Massicott, who accepted the recognition for the company, responded, “As long as they (Lime Tree Bay, LLC.) are around, they will continue to support education.”
Pastor Ammaran Williams, the outgoing School Board Chairman, paid tribute to the awardees: “We are not an island to ourselves but celebrate the community. When you did your part in extending your help to the school, you did it without the expectation of gain or recognition – from a heart of love and commitment to the school and to God. This gesture [of appreciation], which is the brainchild of the principal, is not to indicate that what you are doing will stop but that your partnership will continue beyond the tenure of the current principal. The greater recognition you will receive will be in the earth made new where the chief celebrant will be Jesus. Thanks for your contribution to the school and the setting today [signals] that it has not gone unnoticed.”
The North Caribbean Conference (NCC) was identified as the largest cash contributor to the school with subsidies totalling millions of dollars. The NCC’s contribution toward the solar project and the transition to energy-efficient air-conditioning units were significant milestones in the advancement of the school. On behalf of the NCC Administrators, the Treasurer, Sister Sanida McKenzie, accepted the recognition, “Thank you for saying thanks. Even though we are mandated by policy (because of our relationship) to support the school, we do take pleasure in going beyond what is required when the need arises and so far, as we are able. While we have an obligation, we know for you [the community] it is a choice, so we want you to know, we do not take you for granted and your generosity and spirit of volunteerism has not gone unnoticed by the school (as we see expressed today) or by the Conference. Your generous and continuous support over the years is greatly appreciated and prized. Your contributions go a long way in making the St. Croix SDA School a better place for our staff and students and by extension the community it serves. We know the administration and staff take great pride in their product, and we express our gratitude to each and every one who join forces with us to make this happen.”
While several attendees celebrated the historic initiative of gratitude expressed by the school, many awardees were humbled by the recognition. Mr Strong Ravariere responded, “Members [of the community] want to give to the institution and deem it a privilege that gratitude is still at the heart of the institution.”
The St. Croix Seventh-day Adventist School is an independent, private school which has been serving the community for more than 50 years. The school provides a well-rounded education for students in grades Pre-K through 12, in a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where they develop academically, spiritually, physically and socially. Alumni describe their alma mater as a place where students excel, life-long friendships are developed, and faith is cherished. The management of the institution is looking forward to the new leadership that will continue to build character and deliver a balanced education to all students.