The St. Croix Seventh-day Adventist School opened its doors to parents of school-aged children from all over the island on Sunday, January 22, 2017.
The program started with presentations highlighting the importance of Christian education and testimonials from parents and students on the impact the school has made in their lives.
“I need to do something to save my child,” were thoughts [expressed by one parent] when she decided to bring her daughter to the school. [The parent] had been dissatisfied with her daughter’s academic performance at her previous school and feared for her future success. She decided to make a drastic change – unsure of where the tuition for a private school would come from. She said the switch has made all the difference. Her daughter reports of teachers who care as much as parents do and the grades on the report cards look promising.
Presenters, including North Caribbean Conference [NCC] Education Director, [Mrs.] Gerene Joseph, and NCC President, [Pastor] Silton Brown, echoed supporting sentiments. Essentially their central theme was that praying teachers, praying administrators, and a school mission with God at the center – it all makes a difference.
The program also included breakfast for all participants and a walking tour of the school grounds and classrooms.
Prepared by: Wyndi Ambrose, Freelance Reporter (626) 673-1608(c)