British Virgin Seventh-Day Adventist School
Position/Title: Science Teacher
Island: Tortola- British Virgin Islands
Department: Education
Immediate Supervisor: Principal
Posting Date: July 30, 2022
Starting Date: August 15, 2022
Position Summary:
The teacher in the Seventh-day Adventist School is first a missionary then an instructor. The teacher’s primary function is to lead the students into a meaningful relationship with Jesus. He/she must also provide faithful instruction in teaching at least two (2) Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and or Integrated Science). Regular attendance and involvement in a local church is necessary for the teacher to continue his/her interaction with students and to forge a relationship and understanding with parents. His/her professional service, personal conduct, and influence must be of a high standard.
Essential Functions:
· If assigned as home room teacher, to keep the daily register, students’ reports and other records up to date, post students’ scores and grades on electronic system.
· To follow the schedules and calendar of the school.
· To plan his/her lesson or program, to teach and otherwise fulfill the curriculum requirements of the school
· To skillfully use a variety of teaching methods, charts, illustrations and equipment to integrate technology in teaching.
· To develop and maintain constructive teacher-student relationships.
· To attend and contribute to faculty, home and school and other meetings as called by the appropriate person.
· To keep in close touch with the parents, keeping them informed of students’ progress.
· To faithfully promote Christian Education, showing respect and confidence for the church and Christian Education.
· To adhere to a professional Code of Ethics.
· To follow the principles outlined in the SDA Staff Handbook.
· To work with students in a variety of extra-curricular activities.
· To serve on committees as assigned by the principal.
· To be able to use course management system to teach students.
· To be present daily for staff worship.
· To fulfill supervision duties as assigned.
· To be able to use technology as a tool for educating students.
- To perform such other duties as may be duly assigned by the principal.
- Bachelor degree or higher in Science
- Minimum requirement of five years teaching experience
- Teaching experience at the CXC Level
- Teaching experience in a Seventh-day Adventist School is preferred but not mandatory.
How to Apply:
Persons interested in this position must submit the following information:
- Cover letter which should include your basic philosophy of life and your primary objectives.
- Curriculum vitae/Resume
- Copies of all certificates, diplomas and transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation
· Police Record
How to Apply:
Persons interested in this position must submit the following information:
- Cover letter which should include your basic philosophy of life and your primary objectives.
- Curriculum vitae/Resume
- Copies of all certificates, diplomas and transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation
- Police Record
How to Apply:
Persons interested in these positions must submit the following information no later than July 10, 2022:
- Cover letter which should include your basic philosophy of life and your primary objectives.
- Curriculum vitae/Resume
- Copies of all passport, I.D, certificates, diplomas and transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation
- Police record
The application package must be emailed or sent to the North Caribbean Conference HR Department:
Pastor Wilmoth James
Executive Secretary
PO Box 580
Christiansted, St. Croix 00821