The 2020-2021 school year started with online learning on St. Maarten, which continues to date. The implication is that students need to be equipped with digital devices and adequate internet services to be successful online. It is against this background that the Education Department of the Philipsburg SDA Church supported the identified device needs of students who are members and non-members, drawn primarily from within the Adventurer and Pathfinder Clubs. Each of the 15 students received a tablet-combo which included a tablet with Bluetooth keyboard and a protective case. All the necessary software for e-learning were pre-installed on the devices with their 10-inch screen and named “Passing Grade” by the Education Department.
The Philipsburg SDA Church, specifically its Education Department, is grateful to its donors for assisting with financing this project, meant to see our students succeed online, given that they are called to a higher standard. “Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children” (White, E. G., Education, p. 18). The department anticipates continued collaboration with [intense] prayer and tangible support toward our students’ success, not only in this world but also in the earth made new. May God be praised.