In a communique to the constituents of the North Caribbean Conference, Pastor Desmond James, President of the North Caribbean Conference, stated that the Inter-American Division (IAD) approved and set a new date for the North Caribbean Conference Session: August 17—19, 2022.
Pastor James expanded on the content of the communique during the Executive Committee meeting of September 7–8, 2021. He said, “Undoubtedly, the pandemic has not only infected our lives but affected our living. It has adjusted our agendas and postponed our programs. Primarily among them was the postponement of the North Caribbean Conference Session from its original date of August 18—20, 2021. Currently, our constitution does not allow for electronic participation at a Conference Session. Therefore, after many consultations and much consideration of the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic (such as the enduring impact on public health, the logistics of travel, adequate facilities to guarantee compliance, the strict adherence to the protocols, and the health and well-being of all involved), the Executive Committee of the North Caribbean Conference recommended to the Caribbean Union the postponement of the Session. Subsequently, the Caribbean Union Conference approved it and recommended it to the Inter-American Division. Until the Session, the Conference will take the lead in ensuring that the Mission of the Church is continued, with the goal of serving humanity. As we navigate the perils and possibilities of this difficult and challenging period, we must innovate to better promulgate the good news of the Gospel in such a time as this. The future of the Church is as bright as the promises of God. Let us remain steadfast and immovable, as we contend for the faith in these critical times! Thank you for your faithfulness!”