Elders from the North Caribbean Conference joined their counterparts across the Caribbean Union, on Sunday July 18, 2021, for a motivational Elders’ Summit. The Summit reiterated qualities germane to effective church leaders and emphasized the critical relationship between the pastor and elder of a congregation. Church elders were delighted to connect and share.
The President of the North Caribbean Conference (NCC), Pastor Desmond James, said, “Church Administration has been supported, mainly, by the local elders – with many of them not trained for the challenge. The church needs elders with those pastoral skills and it’s important to continue with this model to grow the depth of ministry in the local church.”
Pastor Royston Philbert, the NCC Ministerial Secretary stated, “Across the North Caribbean Conference, church elders are valued partners and support pastors who shepherd several congregations. It is important that elders are trained and prepared to adapt these skills to the times in which we live [as well as] the challenges that the church is [facing] today. As such, this Summit opens the opportunity for elders to renew their understanding of their ministry.”
To take full advantage of the meaningful program, Dr. Ruth Douglass, the First Elder of the Cole Bay Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church, on Sint Maarten, ensured that all elders of the congregation met and were given access to the virtual platform. She commented, “Spiritual leaders are called to give sound guidance and practical wisdom. The reason that all spiritual leaders can do this is because their wisdom is drawn from the teachings of the Bible. When you seek advice from your pastor or another spiritual leader in your church, they should not give you their opinion; they should help you discover what the Bible says about your situation.”
Organizers took time to pay tribute to the ministry of long-serving elders. In the North Caribbean Conference, ElderLynch Rogersof the City SDA Church was recognized for 58 years of service. His sacrificial service is appreciated and is a monument among the faithful cadre of NCC elders.
The President of the Caribbean Union (CARU), Dr. Kern Tobias, expressed heartfelt gratitude for elders who faithfully serve in hundreds of congregations around the Union, and noted that their work is indispensable to that of the pastor.
In addition to its training component, the Summit provided an opportunity to celebrate the dedication of elders. Pastor Ammaran Williams, the CARU Ministerial Secretary, added that the Union fully supports training initiatives of its various fields and welcomed the historic moment to spotlight this group of leaders, who continue to nurture members despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
During an engaging interaction, Dr. Fitzroy Maitland, one of several guest presenters, explored spirituality as an indispensable attribute of the elder’s ministry. Among other qualities, profiled as examples of Jesus’ spiritual leadership, love was given singular focus and Dr. Maitland said, “Elders cannot serve if they do not have love for God. It is your love for God that will cause you to have love for ministry and His people.”
Two guest presenters, Dr. Paul Anderson and Brother Mark Brown, hosted an interactive presentation which vividly depicted how a complementary relationship between pastor and elder can encourage harmony among congregants.
We anticipate that this program will have an extraordinary impact across the territory. The Summit streamlined the preparation of elders for crisis ministry and Ministerial Secretaries will continue to collaborate with pastors and elders, as they care for the members of God’s Church.