NCC Leaders are Inspiring Pastors, Laity and Members to Love Evangelism Again

Hoping to mirror the success of the Lord Transform Me-2018 initiative in the Guyana Conference, the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) leaders have planned an evangelistic series to baptize over 300 members in 2 weeks at 27 sites across the NCC, from..

News June 18, 2018

Hoping to mirror the success of the Lord Transform Me-2018 initiative in the Guyana Conference, the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) leaders have planned an evangelistic series to baptize over 300 members in 2 weeks at 27 sites across the NCC, from February 15 to March 2, 2019. The North Caribbean Conference territory covers ten islands with about 15,000 church members who worship in 42 congregations and live, according to the 2010 census records, among a population of 185,000.

“Twenty seven sites might be too humble when we think of the work before us,” commented Pastor Desmond James, President of the North Caribbean Conference. “But as a church, we hope to transform the face of evangelism and inspire pastors, laity and members to love it again.” The Executive Committee approved the ambitious plan during mid-year meetings (June 4 – 5, 2018).  

“Driven by the Mission and impelled by the focus of Lord Transform Me (LTM) and Total Member Involvement (TMI), the North Caribbean Conference embarks upon its first LTM Evangelism Explosion,” penned Pastor Hesketh Matthew, NCC Stewardship Director and Assistant to the President for Evangelism, in a NCC evangelism operating article. “This evangelism explosion is a compact engagement of laity and clergy giving expression of God’s impression, and inviting individuals to experience the transforming power of Jesus in their lives while developing their skills for greater evangelistic engagement.”

The initiatives of LTM, from the Inter-American Division (IAD), and TMI, from the General Conference, encourage each member to lead someone to Christ.  The LTM evangelism has resulted in mass baptisms, including a record 1,400 in Guyana during one week in 2018, and has been credited with re-energizing church members and pastors in evangelism. Pastor Desmond James who will lead one of the two-week series in St. Thomas, expressed approval for the NCC-2019 LTM/TMI Evangelistic Plan: “We are doing all we can to make it happen. We hope to see real transformation and inspiration as the Holy Spirit inspires men and women to reach the lost for Christ.”

“We believe God will be with us in our plans – the NCC is a challenging field but we cannot stop mission,” confirmed Dr. Henry Peters, NCC Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director, during the evangelism council meeting where details were worked out. The sites will be dispersed across the Conference’s territory, with 8 on St. Thomas, 6 on St. Croix, 5 throughout the British Virgin Islands, 5 on St. Maarten, and 2 on Anguilla.

Pastor Claudius Morgan is the Special Assistant to the President for Evangelism in the Caribbean Union and he applauded the efforts of the NCC, “It will lead a transformation in the NCC. Coming from the Guyana experience, I have seen a rebirth of excitement for evangelism in the Union. The excitement and inspiration have been transmitted throughout the Union by those who participated in the program and are still preaching around the Union. People have experienced a spiritual revival through prayers and by depending only on the power of the Holy Spirit.”

“The decision by NCC leaders to initiate the 2019 LTM/TMI evangelistic series across the Conference is nothing short of phenomenal. This is the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit on the minds of church leaders,” commented Dr. Kern Tobias, President of the Caribbean Union Conference.

“The NCC has embarked on what every church, and church member around the Caribbean Union should be doing, and many are do.