The President of the North Caribbean Conference, Pastor Desmond F. James, extends a warm welcome and invitation for members and online community friends to join our historic virtual evangelistic campaign.
The campaign begins on October 10, 2020, and will help the Conference fulfill its mission to take the gospel to all the world in this generation. The initiative, themed “Let’s Talk About Him – The Family’s Hope Series”, is historic as it is the first time that the North Caribbean Conference (NCC) will embark on a territory-wide digital campaign. The series will be available via multiple platforms around the territory.
President James said, “COVID-19 has brought upon us new opportunities for evangelism that the Church has to grasp, otherwise the relevance of the gospel in the current age is not going to be passed on to the next generation. The pandemic should not and will not detract . . . from our purpose and mission – fulfilling our mandate from Jesus Christ to preach, teach, make disciples – and in doing so, take care of the needy and vulnerable in our society.”
In the true spirit of being a witness for Jesus, I encourage each member of the Church to embrace the mandate of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church for Total Member Involvement (TMI), and to engage in the ministry of talking about Jesus and bringing hope to families.
Pray for the success of the campaign. Invite a family member. Encourage a co-worker. Reach out to relatives or members of your community who need prayer and are seeking church fellowship. Follow the online campaign. Let’s Talk about Him!