Pastor Glendon G. and Sis. Claudette Cross were installed as the new pastoral family of District I: City/Maranatha SDA Churches on Sabbath, July 7, 2018. Pastor and Sis. Cross are the parents of two adult daughters – Cherise and Eilese. The passion of the Cross Team is the soul salvation of all – especially the young people and young adults. They have the unique gift of being able to bond with young people and young adults and to assist them with developing a relationship or a deeper relationship with Christ.
Pastor Cross’ sermon – Children of the Day: Awaiting Maranatha, Longing for the City not only incorporated the names of both churches into the title; but he reminded us of the importance of preparing daily through prayer for the soon return of our Lord and Savior. Pastor Cross explained the uniqueness of the names of the churches that he was now pastoring: Maranatha means that Jesus is coming; and we are all longing for The City of God as our home. Both of the names of his new churches hold special meaning for us as Seventh-day Adventists! During his sermon, Pastor Cross had the song Jerusalem sung which he said is the sentiment of his heart. He said that he longs for us to leave this earth for Heaven where we would spend eternity with our Lord. As the song says, “Jerusalem, I want to walk your streets that are golden, and I want to trod where the angels have trod. Jerusalem, I want to rest on the banks of your river. In the City, the City of God.”
The day is coming soon when there will be no need for installations of pastors; when we will lay down our spiritual battle armors because we fought the fight and we were victorious! Until that day, may we continue to encourage each other to be faithful as we climb a little higher towards The City. Maranatha!