Pastor Trent Berg, district pastor for the SDA churches on Anguilla, and his team for the 5-week evangelistic series, prayed for opportunities to study the Bible with men and women interested in learning more about God, the Creator. Scores of visitors expressed an interest by their attendance at the Hope for Today’s Crisis Gospel Explosion Crusade series. However sixty-eight (68) persevered in Bible study and were added to the membership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on March 12, 2017, through baptism.

One from the group shared his agonizing journey as God unfolded greater light through his prayerful study of the Scriptures with the evangelistic team. James Harrigan, an accountant and pastor, reflected that his conviction led him to inform the administration and members of his local Pentecostal congregation that he would embrace and observe God’s Sabbath: “It was a very emotional moment for them but this is where God is leading me and I want to be obedient to Him.” Brother Harrigan acknowledged God’s guidance: “My faith is not based on words said by a pastor or anything like that. I studied the Bible and came to the conclusion that I needed to grow spiritually.” He also recognized his God-given responsibility to lovingly share Bible truth with all whom God directs to his path, including his former members. Pastor Trent Berg and the SDA Church on Anguilla have embraced the new members and will nurture their growth.

Pastor Silton Browne, President of the North Caribbean Conference (NCC), congratulated Brother Harrigan for his bold and definitive stand for God: “I congratulate you and I am proud of people . . . who demonstrate faith in these uncertain times. Be assured that we are praying for you, that God would always guide your steps.”
Dr. Henry Peters, evangelist for the series and NCC Director for Sabbath School, Personal Ministries and Community Services, emphasized the powerful impact of the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church among Anguilla’s population: “It is really a movement of the Holy Spirit. We are thankful for the in-roads that God has been able to make in so many lives. It is a great day for the church.”

Visit facebook.com/AdventistNCC and share the Conference’s Total Membership Involvement journey, through several evangelistic series: The “Word of Hope” on St. Croix; the “Blueprint for Life” on Virgin Gorda; and, the “Gospel Family Fest” on Tortola, beginning March 31, 2017.