Business Manager: US Virgin Islands


Filled June 26, 2023

US Virgin Islands Seventh-day Adventist School


Position/Title: Business Manager 

Island: St Croix/St Thomas/St John – US Virgin Islands

Department: Education

Immediate Supervisor: Principal


1.           Evidence of ability to work well with banks and other financial agencies in the development and presentation of financial proposals.

2.           Prompt follow-through on matters.

3.           Knowledge of physical plant management.

4.           Knowledge of business finance generally accepted accounting procedures and institutional budgeting.

5.           Ability to work well with peers and subordinates.

6.           Demonstrates initiative and creativity in financing.

7.           General technical, human relations and conceptual competencies such as ability to work with spreadsheet computer programs, and computer network, etc.,

8.           Ability to work with unstable and quickly changing financial conditions.

9.           Understands the requirements. Philosophy and financial policies of the Seventh-day Adventist church and Adventist k-12 education organizations in the financial area.

10.        Sets and follow a private and public example of appropriate financial dealings and ethics.

11.        Is likely to have and retain the confidence of both school administration and faculty, and the conference administrators.


1.           Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration or business finance, or adequate experience in the area of finances as deemed appropriate by the school board and the conference education council.   

2.           A measure of experience in financial management in non-profit organizations.


  1. As commensurate with institutional policy inclusive of salary & allowances.


This position is an integral part of fulfilling the mission of the school. This officer must work to aid the students to understand their relationship to God through the application of financial principles. He/she should balance the business requirements with justice and compassion. One of the fundamental tenets of management is the principle of functional definition.

This principle states that if individuals are to contribute adequately to organizational goals, it is essential that they clearly understand the results expected, the activities they are to undertake, the authority delegated to them and the relationships with other positions.

“The one who is placed in the position of business manager,… occupies every important place and he must possess the necessary qualifications for the work. He should have dignity and knowledge, blended with a clear sense of how to use his authority. Christ must be revealed in his life, he must be a man who can give religious instructions and exert a spiritual influence…He must be a man who will harmonize with his fellow workers, a man who possesses adaptability …his words and acts should reveal justice, judgement, and love of God.” M.M. p. 169.

In consultation with the principal, the business manager is responsible for the financial operation of the school. He/she is responsible for the basic systems of accounting and financial control. He/she is responsible for cash, equipment, inventories and faxes; for the physical plant and for advice and assistance in financial matters such as creative financing and fund raising. It is emphasized that he/she is expected to Work very closely with the principal of the school, and should, consult with his/her in all the major financial transactions such as sales, purchases or procedures.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Budgeting – The Business Manager establishes the school system of budgetary control. He/she should provide a budget format, and in close cooperation with the Principal, provide information on financial forecasts and expenditures for prior periods. With the assistance and cooperation of the Principal, a tentative budget should be provided for the new  school year and presented to the Board by May 1,of each year. A balanced approved budget should be prepared not later than October 1. Copies of both these budgets should be sent to the Conference Education Department.
    1. Accounting – All items entering the budget should be studied carefully by the Board and after adoption, the Business Manager should see that it is followed closely. He/she should provide the board with monthly operating statements that are timely and comparative, copies of which are to be sent to the Conference Education Department.
    1. The Business Manager makes and controls the entire system of accounting records. He ensures the uniform and consistent carrying out of all financial transactions or goals. He/she administers all financial policies and is responsible for all student/parent financial arrangement for registration. He/she should recommend to the Principal and School Board, changes and additions to policies related to activities under his/her direction, and should operate within the guidelines set by the Conference.
    1. The Principal must be consulted on all non-routine transactions and should be given periodic reports of routine transactions. The Business Manager must provide the Principal with access to all records in his/her work, including written and computer generated information.
    1. The Business Manager cares for and directs the maintenance of the school plants, cares for all routine maintenance and repairs, the upkeep of school grounds, custodial or janitorial services, plant insurance and sanitation.
    1. He/she keeps the school principal up to date on all contracts and financial matters, serves as a member of the school board, conducts relationships with banks, government agencies and insurance carriers. His/her accounting records will always be subject to the Conference Auditor, and he/she will deal with parents regarding financial matters.
    1. In fulfilling the desires of the board, the administration will not permit any purchases to be made in the name of the school without the specific or delegated authorization of the Business Manager. Even routine purchases should not be made without consultation with him/her. This must be done so that he/she knows what the financial situation of the institution is each day.
    1. Formulate policies and procedures which provide for the collection, custody, investment, disbursement, accounting, and auditing of all school monies. Handle negotiations for loans and other financing; and maintain a system of financial and related statistical reporting. Manage the investment of funds of the institution under the direction of the Board or the Finance Committee appointed by the Board, and account for all investments.
    1. Develop policies and procedures for the procurement of non-personnel services and goods and provide for the warehousing, distribution, control, and disposition of these goods.
    1. Direct and coordinate service operations such as desk copies, duplicating, bookstore etc.
    1. Serve on committees as appointed by the Principal.
    1. Assist school personnel coming from overseas for their first appointment in securing suitable housing and oversee and application of policies concerning deposits and advances.
    1. Provide for the payment of all bills and accounts, for the school, and secure the proper discounts.
    1. Assume the financial acceptability of parent/student applicants and approve the individual budget of each one accepted.
    1. Require of all personnel, at least annually, the oftener if necessary, a full inventory of the equipment and supplies belonging to the school which are under their immediate control.          .
    1. Have an integral role in any school sponsored program or function to raise funds for any area of school need or use.
    1. Search out, develop and implement in consultation and collaboration with the Board or Finance Committee, specific plans for helping the school to fund its budgetary needs.
    1. Approve all expenditures for which a general or specific appropriation has been made by the board as evidenced by its records.
    1. Prepare financial reports and statements which may be required, from time to time, by the board.
    1. Control the purchase, storage, and delivery of all supplies for the school.
    1. Recommend to the principal suitable personnel for all non-academic activities within his jurisdiction.
    1. Perform such other duties as the Principal may from time to time assign to him/her.

The application package must be emailed or sent to the North Caribbean Conference HR Department:

Pastor Wilmoth James

Executive Secretary

PO Box 580

Christiansted, St. Croix 00821
