Last weekend, the Anguilla Adventist Youth (AY) Society embraced the words of Mark 6: 31, “And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Over 50 youth and adults engaged in a hike, overnight camp and prayer breakfast.
The hike began at The Valley Roundabout, next to the Clayton J. Lloyd Airport. With unflagging energy, the group continued through Brimmaging and congratulated each other upon arriving at their destination, Shoal Bay. That night, the youth braved the brisk breeze and slept on the beach, in tents or in vehicles.
At dawn, the Spirit-filled worship experience gave new meaning to the expression, “at one with nature,” and caused participants to reflect seriously on the state of their relationship with God. The fresh air stimulated appetites and breakfast in the outdoors was especially relished.
Youth leaders on Anguilla plan such events to encourage young people in their pursuit of a deeper knowledge of God and wholesome friendships with each other.