Impacting lives around the North Caribbean Conference, through the Stewardship and Publishing Ministries, keeps Pastor Earl Daniel focused on a finished work, looking for the soon return of Jesus. A finished work will be accomplished when, transformed by God’s grace, each member of our church understands that it is a privilege to be a Seventh-day Adventist, blessed with the final warning message for the world. And it is our stewardship responsibility to share this message. We must work together with Jesus for the building-up of His kingdom.
One of the means by which we all can get involved in spreading this gospel message, is by placing truth-filled literature in the homes of our friends, neighbors, relatives, and even in business places. The Holy Spirit will impress upon the minds of people to turn to these books and magazines at the right time to lead them to the truth. The word of the messenger will not fail. In fact, people are already accepting our message because someone gave them some Adventist literature.
In some of my most recent meetings, members are committing themselves to their stewardship responsibilities and to spreading the printed page. They believe that Revelation 18:1, “And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory,” will be fulfilled through the printed page, as penned by Ellen G. White.